My bum is starting to itch now, it's less than 2 weeks before I drive up to the Kavango for a week of camping and fishing!

This trip has partly been inspired by Grant Kieser and co's trip up there, but my plan was to get away with spending as little money as possible. Two of us will be camping on the Kavango river at Samsitu riverside camp just outside Rundu.

I'm taking my own boat which is an ARK Seal with a 15hp outboard. There is an option to also rent a boat should the inflatable not be suitable. The only problem we could have with the inflatable could be damage due to branches etc hidden under water. What else should I worry about? I recently replaced the entire floor with extra heavy duty material in the ARK factory. Having been around Cape Point and even Bellows in this boat, makes me relatively confident in its abilities. There are no crocs and hippos at the Point however... I have spent a week on the upper Zambezi though and I expect that with the low river, hippos should be easily spotted and avoided.

So now it's just the final preps and packing. I will be concentrating my efforts with the fly but am also taking soft plastics (flukes and paddletails), a few spinners, and a few trolling type lures just in case.

I'll use this thread to keep interested parties up to date with the adventure. Carel (CADEX, on this forum) has kindly been tying up some additional flies as per the recommendations of the guys who went to Kavango previously - thanks very much!

The main cost of this trip is in fact the fuel driving up and down and for 2 persons I am getting a total cost of about R3500 each. Which is not bad for 6 full days of fishing. With a bit of effort anyone can pull something like this off, but it does help having some prior knowledge of the place you intend visiting, or at least be in the company of someone in the know.