Conversation Between Chris Shelton and poppernel

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey man!! whats up, missing your input here. S.M.S. 0785320551, will call you and chat. Go well anyways.
  2. HEY CHRIS, whats up boet, you been scarce here. Hope you doing o.k.
  3. CANT FIND ZILCH,NIL,FOKOL ON HER.HE!!HE!! Will shop around anyways. Thanks anyways.
  4. Pity, would love to have supported you in a small way. But thanks anyways, will check her out.
  5. Hi Chris, hows things going?? After some brown trout for stocking, dont mind paying you commission for organizing/searching for us. Let me know if you have contacts.
  6. Chris, thats not easy, f@ckin heartbreaking especialy in a remote/quiet place. Freinds and forumers will always open their doors to you. If not, maybe you should head our way.
  7. Pity about that, hardships are a way of life, had a couple in my life, stay strong and survive. Support is a valid helper, but one has to rely on good freinds and family to survive. Stuff the @ holes(me) that sometimes f@cck all up.
  8. Realy appreciate your reply, what else do you think is needed, this forum needs us ''boet', beleive it or not. tHESE GUYS CANT TAKE THE STRESS, I know you were in hard times when I chirped you, that is how it goes. Water under the bridge. **** man!! you gotta get back, lotta newbies that can learn from you/us.
  9. Hi cHRIS,
    Would love you to get back here. I know we had some hickups, childiish really. Lets put this behind us and move on. You are realy a inspiration and a pity you and I messed up, not than we cannot repair. What say you.
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