Conversation Between Andre and Niel Myburgh

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Andre, I would love to go. Price?
  2. Apologies that I couldn't met up in Mosselbaai last year. Our project got cancelled. I just read what you said on the blog about Kommando Nek. You stated that there is some other places to fish.

    I always go to Eendkuil but would like to try some different veneus on the Vaal. Do you have any suggestions other than Silwerstrome and geelvis Paradys. Places where it is not too crowded....
  3. Hi Andre

    Are you still going to Plet over Des? I will be in Mosselbaai over that period for work. When do you intend on getting a boat? I know it's about 200km from Mosselbaai but I wouldn't mind driving. Do you have an exact date?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3