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Fly Fisher girls
Fly Fisher girls. This is just great! I would love to go fishing with the girls.
Category: GeneralLast Activity: 20-08-14 08:46 AM
1 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
World Wide Fishing
Group For Everyone Who Loves Fishing. Talk fishing, share stories and experiences, share pictures, learn more about fishing and meet different fishos from around the world.
Category: GeneralLast Activity: 20-08-14 08:50 AM
1 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Three Provinces Flyfishing Club - Free State
General info on club matters and other club related fishing admin.
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 14-11-18 01:12 PM
17 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Joining -
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 13-07-16 03:26 PM
9 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Western Province Fly fishing
Western Province Competitive Fly fishing
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 20-05-11 08:47 AM
16 member(s)Latest Discussion:
WPFF 2010 season -
Boland Flyfishing Association
Boland Competitive Flyfishing
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 20-08-14 08:52 AM
17 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Discussion forum for club members
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 07-06-12 11:24 PM
1 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
updates to Leerie, tuna, yellowtail and other saltwater species in WC
Category: Saltwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 24-07-09 10:33 AM
7 member(s)Latest Discussion:
blakes -
Devoted to trout in the kloofs
Category: Freshwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 25-05-15 02:07 PM
10 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Kloofing -
Cape trout Syndicate
A discusion platform for the members of the CTS
Category: Freshwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 06-06-12 08:06 AM
17 member(s)Latest Discussion:
The future of CTS - Conties
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Rock & Surf
A social group that is open to anyone who is interested in joining our small but growing group of anglers who regularly get together to fish some of the potentually hazardess spots around the Cape. Many Macassor all-nighters for example are on the cards, so, the more the better!
Category: GeneralLast Activity: 17-02-23 09:58 AM
16 member(s) -
Flyfish for FOSAF
A group of friends getting together, enjoy the day and contrebute towards FOSAF all in the name of ff...
Category: Freshwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 31-08-21 03:54 PM
18 member(s)Latest Discussion:
2cnd try -
Three Provinces Flyfishing Club - Free State
General info on club matters and other club related fishing admin.
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 14-11-18 01:12 PM
This is a private group. -
Carp on fly
Caught a Carp? Share your days experience….!
Category: Freshwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 30-07-17 06:18 AM
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Carp being Carp!!! -
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 13-07-16 03:26 PM
9 member(s)Latest Discussion:
This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Devoted to trout in the kloofs
Category: Freshwater Fly FishingLast Activity: 25-05-15 02:07 PM
This is a private group. -
Eikendal Fly Tying
This is to dicuss all the curant and past flies tied on our fly tying evenings.
Category: GeneralLast Activity: 19-09-14 02:27 PM
This is a private group. -
The Great Anti Trek
No Description
Category: GeneralLast Activity: 22-08-14 10:46 AM
This is a private group. -
Boland Flyfishing Association
Boland Competitive Flyfishing
Category: Fly Fishing ClubsLast Activity: 20-08-14 08:52 AM
This is a private group.