Good luck getting a response to this question. This kind of info is normally a closely guarded secret
Does anyone know any friendly farms/farmers or other venues/locations to target Yellowfish in the Villiers area + details?
Good luck getting a response to this question. This kind of info is normally a closely guarded secret
Not really ... it's the Vaal, anywhere you can access the river there you can fish, it's just a wholly different rivier to what you might be used to below the barrage not only in terms of structure but also in terms of water quality. It's very brown up there and only flows at ~5 cumecs.
"Hierdie drol het baie vlieë" - Ago 2014.
Uhmmm - the Vaal?
Seriously though, I recall we went to a place not far from Cornelia and there was a pretty narrow little stream - maybe 2 metres wide. We spotted a school of about 10 fish there of between 500g and 1.5kg and my buddy managed to land 1.
I am trying to remember more details! Will update if I remember.
"Hierdie drol het baie vlieë" - Ago 2014.
My nephew caught a nice largie once in the Wilge close to Villiers, I will find out from him where he went.
I kind of figured the Vaal Gents...
Just not keen to get shot at while exploring. I haven't fished that area at all, so keen to find out if there are some frequented places; if & how to book etc.
Ja nee, a friendly farmer with land bordering the Vaal is worth his weight in bullets.