Guys, I've recently started filling up my flyboxes again, its proving to be a very time consuming pastime, especially considering that fishing flies are not what I enjoy tying nowadays. I'm quiet a fan of tying dries but like we all know you need the nymphs and nastys too.I also find that if I tie one particular pattern for a few hours I get in a groove. So, I have an idea, imagine this, ten guys, each sit down and tie 50 flies of the same pattern in a day, talking rubbish and tying, just nice social tying. At the end of the day each guy get 5 flies of 10 different patterns. The idea is that each tyer ties what he or she is best at, and everyone present shares in this . Anyone up for this?

I was tying with my pal Gysie the other day and it was so great just tying without having to teach for a change, just tying and talking crap like I used to do when I was in High school.
If we could get guys like Herman Botes to tie Roaches, Gary glen young to tie little nymphs, gysie to tie jigs, etc etc etc, that would be great.Any takers?

i'll be in the Cape from November through to March next year so i'll like to join a social , taliking crap, flytying outfit there too. My para RABs are not too bad.

Kind regards
