Hi all

Great forum this and I have a question for the more experienced hands regarding casting distance. My first rod was a entry level xplorer 5/6 wt 904 combo with a prespooled reel. Although my casting can definitely still improve I only manage to cast the flyline about 16m (excl leader). Now casting far is not everything and while I have been mostly nymphing it out there will be scenarios where a long line will definitely be needed.

I spent more on my heavier/saltwater setup going for a xplorer classic 2 8/9 wt 904 and again for "cheaper" line as the 9wt floating elbe line was the only saltwater line that I could urgently lay my hands on. I doubt at a price of R115 it will qualify as premium flyline. With this setup i can cast up to 17/18m (again from the tip of the rod to where leader starts) at best.

Now as i have mentioned i am still trying to improve my casting and obviously devouring all the content on this forum in the process but i still want to ask whether anyone thinks by upgrading my line i will immediately add a few meters to my casting? And which lines will suffice as "good enough" in your opinion?

Regards and thanks!