Millionaires Taddy: (given the name because mink fur is used)

A deadly fly for trout. (have caught all my carp as well using them)

Hook: 4 S/ shank
Thread: 6/0 Black
Weight: Bead eyes, lead wire (optional)
Tail: Olive/ black/ brown/ hot orange ( colour of choice) Marabou.
Flash: Gold extra limp flashabou
Mink fur: White/ brown

1) Weight hook and tie in marabou with 2 strands gold flash, either side of tail.
2) Tie in mink fur at the start of the tail. (glue and let dry.)
3) Wind mink strip in tight turns (comb fur back towards tail after every wind) until you get to bead eyes ore hook eye.
4) Catch mink with thread, cut excess mink away and build head and finish with head cement.

I use an assortement of fur and marabou in tying this pattern.