Could it be the Luzi perhaps?
"Innocence is a wild trout. But we humans, being complicated, have to pursue innocence in complex ways" - Datus Proper
Mario Geldenhuys
Smallstream fanatic, plus I do some other things that I can't tell you about
"All the tips or magical insights in the world can't replace devotion, dedication, commitment, and gumption - and there is not secret in that" - Glenn Brackett
Luzi, my final answer...
Mike McKeown
You're either fishing or waiting...
You got it first, lets see a stream pic...
Mike McKeown
You're either fishing or waiting...
Good stuff Mike and Chris. It's the middle section of the Luzi, just above Shepard's Hope. It's a gem of a stream, and the rainbows are always willing to take a dry. It's a place I fish far to infrequently!! I must make a point to fish it more this upcoming season!!
Your turn ....
Mario Geldenhuys
Smallstream fanatic, plus I do some other things that I can't tell you about
"All the tips or magical insights in the world can't replace devotion, dedication, commitment, and gumption - and there is not secret in that" - Glenn Brackett
Lets first wait for Mario to confirm
"Innocence is a wild trout. But we humans, being complicated, have to pursue innocence in complex ways" - Datus Proper
... how about that one you have of ME casting Chris? .. promise I won't give it away!!!
I always wanted to be somebody,but now I realize I should have been more specific.
Alcohol is the anaesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. GBS