Hi there Craig
There are no reputable gides available for our WC Yellows. This is probably due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of venues combined with the small chance of success.
Having said that, as long as your friend is prepared to put in some effort Clanwilliams are not a problem. The best public venue is at De Mond on the Groot River where you always have a very realistic chance of getting into a few Yellows. The average size varies between four and six pounds with very few fish smaller than that. Catching them is definitely no rocket science either and it is more a matter of being prepared to be patient and do some walking.
Sawfin can also be found at this venue but they are few and far between. A better bet would be to fish one of the smaller tribs but targeting small 20cm fish has never appealed to me, so I avoid this option. The Upper Olifants has large populations of Sawfin going up to 4lbs and more but this is a tough area to gain access to. No secrets, simply closed to pretty much everybody other than landowners.
Witvis is the most uncertain one of the lot. There were some populations left on the Hex but the existance of these are very unsure after the last remaining productive sections were bulldozed a few years ago. Your best bet would be to get in touch with Dean Impson who will be able to point you in the right direction.
Unless your friend is particularly bent on catching all three species, I would suggest that he simply targets the Clanwilliams. He will catch fish and they will be caught in stunning surroundings.