This past saturday went scouting for camping venues with good fishing, I was told that Weltevrede(Sp) has a nice clean camp site, which it does but you need a boat to get to the streams.

So went and had a look at Eastco, paid the day visitor rates and set up for a picnic. I was rigging Darian(4 years old) a rod with a float and a worm when he started to cry because I was killing the worm. I felt like S#$% he said he only wants a sharp thing(hook) on no worm. I eventually decided to put on a fly so he stood a chance of catching something. On his first cast he pulled out this little yellow, man was he proud, I was even prouder.

I know it is not fly fishing!

I know he is not holding the fish very nicely but just as I wanted to take the photo the fish moved and he grabbed it with both hands.

I only fished the first streams in front of the camp site, I believe the main stream is behind the island. Only caught a small yellow less than 500g, then a storm blew in and I exited the water.

We booked for this coming weekend, can not wait.

On the way home the bakkie overheated, a buddy striped the motor and revealed 5 cracks on the head. The previous owner dumped crack sealants in to hide the problem, only lasts long enough to sell the car. R7600 later and it is as good as new.